VMware Workstation and Linux 2.6.27

Today I received a comment from Kang about a fix for VMware Workstation 5.5 and Linux 2.6.27.

You get the file here and of course at his place, too.

It works like any other vmware-any-any-update:

wget https://uruz.org/files/vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7.tar.gz
tar xvzf vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7.tar.gz
cd vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7/

Good luck.

edit: The archives were updated. Thank you, Kang.


  1. kang Says:

    hi, i updated the archive due to a bug happening with windows guests.
    please update your local mirror with the new archive http://www.insecure.ws/warehouse/vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7-2.tar.gz

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks ya manyak
    hope this will work

  3. Yossi Says:

    Thank you very much …problem solved for me !

  4. Jarek Says:

    Thank you very much. VMWare has been reactivated with new kernel.

    The best regards !


  5. virteman Says:

    any for kernel 2.6.25 ?

  6. Bobetin Says:

    Thanks !! your patch works on 2.6.28 kernel too

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