Posted in Linux on 10/21/2008 07:57 am by emilkrueper
Today I received a comment from Kang about a fix for VMware Workstation 5.5 and Linux 2.6.27.
You get the file here and of course at his place, too.
It works like any other vmware-any-any-update:
tar xvzf vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7.tar.gz
cd vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7/
Good luck.
edit: The archives were updated. Thank you, Kang.
Posted in Personal, Work work on 10/10/2008 09:57 pm by emilkrueper
I’d like you to know I’ve quit my contract with my current employer. I’m gonna leave at the end of this month. I’ve been working there for 3 years now and I’ve been doing all the stuff that matters like server administration and embedded linux development. I guess I was pretty good somehow. No one was really amused when I announced my dismissal. I have had some helluva fun and some nice teammates there and the work was frequently challenging. But no regrets, it’s time to move on. I’d like to hereby thank the staff of Solcon Systemtechnik GmbH for the past 3 years of cooperation.
Posted in Do-it-yourself, Fishing, Personal on 10/09/2008 03:20 pm by emilkrueper
You might already have seen the short blog entry for my first fly rod building project. So, on Friday I suddenly felt like I’d have to act at once and place an order for some rod building material. There are several reasons. One reason is that I am all alone at home from the 18th to the 26th of this month. Sarah, Erik and Einar are going to Nuremberg. Being busy kills time. Another reason is pure consuming desire I just wanted to do something besides the usual things. Yes, recently I once again enjoy sitting on the table in the evening doing handicraft work. In short it means less computer related occupation at home – I spend enough time at work in front of my screen.
I’ll blog in detail the steps of building the new rod when all the parts have arrived.