Relocation Now!

This weekend I have been very busy with preparing our relocation to Bad Oldesloe. It feels good to know we are going to leave this way too small apartment behind. And I am so happy to finally see Sarah, Erik and Einar again.

Sad to say Sarah had a spinal disc herniation shortly after going to Nuremberg. This old apartment we are leaving behind is on the fourth floor without an elevator and so it was impossible for Sarah to come back. Thus I haven’t seen her and the boys since they left on the 18th of October. It frequently made me feel so downfallen not to have them around me.

I am relieved to know it’s almost overcome and for the next days I am going to move things from this place to our new apartment. And when that’s done I am going to pick up my family from Nuremberg and take them to our new home. And we are going to take good care of Sarah’s injury.

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