About me
Posted on 03/17/2008 08:48 pm by emilkrueperI am a trained IT specialist and a freelance consultant with a passion for high availabilty and large scale system engineering. I fiddle around with almost everything I stumble across. I am fascinated by sheer computing power and large scale file storage systems. On the other hand I like to make it all as small and efficient as possible and to deploy the result on itty bitty devices.
My uncle Pertti Nuorimaa gave me and my two brothers our first computer in 1984. It was an Apple II. One or two years later we received his disused 80286 and then again a year later we got an i386DX. So the years passed and I had begun to spent my pocket money in my hobby. Years later I downloaded my first GNU/Linux ISO image. I think it was something like Redhat 6.2. I got bitten by the bug and checked at least a dozen other distributions within the next weeks, roamed around the internet seeking for good manuals and howtos and so I remember good and bad times with Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Arch, CentOS, Suse etc. Apart from the Linux distributions I have been working with FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris. I have been working with Debian since potato and I’ve begun to play with Gentoo some months after the version 1.2 was released. Nevertheless I am proficient in handling almost every Linux/Unix environment and I still test other distributions quite frequently. There are good approaches out there.
Currently I live in Bad Oldesloe, the place I was once born.
Since November 2008 I am working for Mail.ru Games GmbH in Hamburg. I am there the Head of IT and responsible for the network and server administration for several heterogeneous very high traffic platforms hosted in data centers across Europe. From my office I work close together with my Russian colleagues and our European hosting providers to maintain the high availability of our services. I like it very much.
The office of Mail.Ru Games GmbH was closed in March 2014.
So now I run my own business always looking for an assignment.
Here is a probably incomplete list of my skills and more or less usual utilities I have used in the past, I might update it now and then:
Brain, eyes, hands, mouth, ears.
When I am not at work I am with my family and when there is time for doing something else I am interested in flyfishing and spinfishing, especially for sea trout in the Baltic Sea and the river Trave. I like being outside even when it’s heavy rain or icecold and I am happy when I can sometimes successfully escape into the wild. My other hobby is playing drums. I have been playing drums since 1992 and I think I am a quite good by now.
And then there is my interest in using metal detectors for all the cool things you can do with them.
For those who care: I have the Finnish and the German nationality. Unfortunately I haven’t been that often in Finland for quite a few years now, so my Finnish language is rusting.
I am very happy in a relationship, father of two boys and mostly enjoy life. EOF.