Posted in Fishing, Outdoor, Personal on 01/19/2017 11:10 am by emilkrueper
Damit ich selbst es nochmal irgendwann nachlesen kann, hier mal eine Liste der bisherigen Boote:
- “Schlauchi” Suzumar 390 AL von 2000 mit einem 15 PT 2-Takt Yamaha Bj 2003
- “Paulchen” Vega Hurricane 499 von k r27pize.A. mit einem 30 PS Mercury 2-Takt Bj 2002
- Ein Shetland 535 verbastelt und unmotorisiert, kam aber direkt ohne Taufe wieder vom Hof und nur der Trailer blieb
- “Sleepy Sleeper” Fjord Tour 18 von ca 1975 mit einem 70 PS Evinrude 4-Takt AB Bj 2001
Posted in Do-it-yourself, Fishing, Outdoor, Personal on 01/08/2017 08:30 pm by emilkrueper
Ach, ist schon wieder Schnee von gestern, so lange liegt die Prüfung zurück – ich habe im November letzten Jahres das SRC erhalten. Kein Bild zur Hand, auch so ne Bundes-Fleppe mit nem schicken Adler drauf. Jetzt darf ich also funken, wenn ich Fischi fangen bin. Ahoi. Alles Gute für 2017.
Posted in Fishing, Outdoor, Personal on 04/04/2016 12:54 pm by emilkrueper
Darf ich vorstellen – ein Fjord Tour 18

Posted in Fishing, Personal on 03/14/2016 05:45 pm by emilkrueper

Lecker Fisch, I caught some more. Yum yum.
Posted in Fishing, Outdoor, Personal on 10/10/2015 12:48 pm by emilkrueper
Ich bin jetzt Kapitän, ganz wie mein Vorbild Seebär

Posted in Fishing, Outdoor, Personal on 03/12/2009 10:25 pm by emilkrueper
Last Sunday I have been fishing. I didn’t meet with Marco, he was busy. So I got invited to join Peter and he fetched me by car on Sunday morning. We left heading north towards the vast shores of Wagria. After one hour continuous driving we were already almost there. Just a final stop to buy another candy bar on the gas station and then it was only a few more minutes to reach the beach. We there met some more friends and had six hours of excessive fly fishing. Unfortunately no fish, though.
Altogether it was nontheless a nice day on the coast and we had plenty of fun.
When I arrived at home I expected something like “Oh where’s the fish?”. I prayed to the gods we would at least have some fish fingers in the fridge. But it was alright without fish as everyone at home knew I had a good day.
Posted in Do-it-yourself, Fishing, Outdoor, Personal on 03/03/2009 01:15 pm by emilkrueper
Due to given circumstances I have not been able to kick off this project earlier. On the 23rd of February we had a great handwork evening at home – Sarah was tailoring next to me and I was glueing the grip and wrapping the guides onto the fly rod blank.
I bought my parts from the US and Germany. The main reason for this is plain simple. In Germany I haven’t found any dealer for the stripping guides.
- Loop Green Line series blank in 9′3″ and the specified line class is #6-7
- Cork Fly Rod Grip Reverse Half Wells – supreme quality
- Fuji Concept Stripping Guides – SiC ring in 16 and 12 /w Chrome finish
- Struble Fly Rod Reel Seat – Standard Uplocking U-3 – Polished Alum. /Cocobolo
- Pacific Bay Snake Guides in 2,2,2,2,3,4,5 Chrome finish
- Pacific Bay Fly Rod Tip Top – Chrome finish / Std. loop / size 5 tube
- Pacific Bay Aluminum Winding Check – TiCH finish / 0.342 in. I.D.
On Sunday I am going to take it with me to the coast. I am already very excited.
Posted in Do-it-yourself, Fishing, My family, Personal on 03/03/2009 12:44 pm by emilkrueper
Oh no, it’s already march?! Being so busy seems to quicken the days passing by. Nontheless, tomorrow my younger brother has his 29th birthday (Hey hey (: ) and today in the evening is parents’ evening in the kindergarten (first time for me). On Saturday we are going by to buy a new table, chairs and stuff for the kitchen and leaving the boys in my mums’ care. A few hours exclusive free time. And last but not least this Sunday I am finally going to have a day on the coast to test my new self built fly rod. I am going to meet there with Marco, a friend of mine. Sarah expects me to catch at least one seatrout for dinner. Pretty much expections….