Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Komm schon hopp hopp

Jetzt schreib mir endlich an emil at uruz punkt org

Beep beep beep beeeeep

Ich habe gekauft:

einen Vista Mini von Deep Tech

Ditt und datt und so

Also, alles wird wieder gut. Glaube ich. Ich werde wieder gehen können! Ja gut, so schlimm ist es jetzt doch nicht. Ich freue mich, wenn ich die Schienen los bin und endlich wieder unbesorgt herumlaufen kann.

So, und den Jungs geht es auch gut. Der Eine hat Probleme mit dem 1×1 und der Andere lernt grade das Schreiben. Dem Hund geht es auch gut, der wird ja immer größer. oO. Die Frau ist ko. Das liegt am Hund und den Jungs. Und mir. Entschuldigung.

Übrigens ist Drive ein guter Film mit einem klasse Soundtrack. 80er lassen grüßen. OMG bin ich alt. Übrigens habe ich jetzt eine etwa 40 Jahre alte Orfina Porsche Design. Die ist älter als ich, sieht aber noch besser aus.

Arbeit arbeit. Also wenn es dem Fuß bald besser geht, dann kann ich endlich auch wieder Rasen mähen. Und dann werden wir auch malbald sondieren können. Ich habe mir überlegt, das Erik einen Metalldetektor zum 9en bekommt. aber nicht so ein China Schrott. Gleich nen vernünftigen ohne viel Schnick Schnack.

Und ich hätte gerne eine Gibson Les Paul und einen schönen Röhrenverstärker. Aber ich habe ja noch nicht Geburtstag.

Good news and bad news

I can tell you a torn ligament really means pain. So what happened?
Saturday in the afternoon I have been teaching my youngest how to ride a bike. Before that day he used his Like a Bike Mountain for quite a long time which trained his sense of balance. Cool plaything which is worth every €.
Well prepared it was a joy to watch him learn riding a real bike within three minutes. Just like this. I pushed him and let go. That was amazing. He was very happy and so I was.

When I have deceided now it’s time to finish the lesson for the day we went back to the house. Both boys were rolling down the hill slowly and I told them to use their brake every now and then so they don’t speed up too much.

Well. Einar could not brake hard enough, he went faster and faster. I realized I have to try to catch him before it’s too late and so I started to run as fast as I can.
But unfortunately I could not help him and he fell quite spectacularly. But he had only some minor bruises.
On the other hand, I myself felt a serious pain down my leg and I realized I could not walk anymore. We went to the hospital where the doctor diagnosed “Außenbandruptur des oberen Sprunggelenkes” as it is called in German.

So now I am a couple days at home since I can not move around too much. I am doing some work from home and in the evenings I am playing some games, watching some movies, playing the guitar and reading books from the library. Somehow I need to take a rest which is not so easy when you are at home all day.

Thursday I will be back at the doctor, I hope he has good news and that I can be back at work the next week.

Take good care of yourself.

A dog called Snorre

Well, here he is and he is doing well. Die rennende Weißwurst.


We found a dog which will join us the next couple weeks, Hooray!

Vacations In The North

Moin moin. Today I had my first day vacation with moving around about 1000 kg rocks for the natural stone wall in our garden. Those rocks equal the size of comet Hale-Bopp. At least. And I moved around lots of loamy soil which was not less fun. Hooray for vacations!

Battles Vacations… Battles Vacations in the North!


Busy with work, but I have qualified co-workers.

This place is not deserted

Please come back someday soon. Right now I am very busy with some exciting developments at work and being with my family. So there is not much time for this place. Well, but I am still here. Take care!

Ubuntu 10.04 and the LSI 3ware 9750 raid controller

I was searching the net for a solution how to boot and deploy an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a 3ware 9750 raid without having to load the 3w-sas.ko drivers manually for every server. It might be okay for s single installation, but this can really turn out to be a pita if it is a whole bunch of servers. From what I see there is only that modified 9.10 image provided by LSI, so please grab your copy for 10.04 amd64 here.

Please keep in mind, with this installation you can not just upgrade your kernel without taking care of that driver, though. It’s a shame this driver didn’t find itself into the Ubuntu releases.