Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

March 2009

Oh no, it’s already march?! Being so busy seems to quicken the days passing by. Nontheless, tomorrow my younger brother has his 29th birthday (Hey hey (: )  and today in the evening is parents’ evening in the kindergarten (first time for me). On Saturday we are going by to buy a new table, chairs and stuff for the kitchen and leaving the boys in my mums’ care. A few hours exclusive free time. And last but not least this Sunday I am finally going to have a day on the coast to test my new self built fly rod. I am going to meet there with Marco, a friend of mine.  Sarah expects me to catch at least one seatrout for dinner. Pretty much expections….

I finally confess whatever you want

Oh my god, I am now older then I once expected ever to be – please call me a 30 year old whatnot. And if someone still needs to be prodded – it’s now 2009, indeed. Currently I am doing some ugly hack to run Samba on a Vbox Linux which is hosted on Syscrash XP, where the XP shares are exclusively mounted in the Vbox offering Truecrypt containers via Samba to the outside accessible with OpenVPN. And ffs yes, the shares get rsynced periodically. Any questions? Besides I am running some gentoo vhosts in a cluster to test some skripts I wrote for making our deployments recover themselves when problems emerged and the systems went fsck. Hooray.

I really miss my family

I feel so unhappy right now. The weather forecasts are all saying we are getting very bad weather this coming weekend. That means I possibly can’t go to fetch them. Life sometimes really sucks even worse than the day before. At least I am doing good progress in relocating things. And Sarah is so deliriously happy about the new apartment – I have shown her a video via the internet. Well, it’s not the time to give it up. Maybe the weather is going to surprisingly change at the weekend. I hope so.

Relocation Now!

This weekend I have been very busy with preparing our relocation to Bad Oldesloe. It feels good to know we are going to leave this way too small apartment behind. And I am so happy to finally see Sarah, Erik and Einar again.

Sad to say Sarah had a spinal disc herniation shortly after going to Nuremberg. This old apartment we are leaving behind is on the fourth floor without an elevator and so it was impossible for Sarah to come back. Thus I haven’t seen her and the boys since they left on the 18th of October. It frequently made me feel so downfallen not to have them around me.

I am relieved to know it’s almost overcome and for the next days I am going to move things from this place to our new apartment. And when that’s done I am going to pick up my family from Nuremberg and take them to our new home. And we are going to take good care of Sarah’s injury.

I’m gonna leave you

I’d like you to know I’ve quit my contract with my current employer. I’m gonna leave at the end of this month. I’ve been working there for 3 years now and I’ve been doing all the stuff that matters like server administration and embedded linux development. I guess I was pretty good somehow. No one was really amused when I announced my dismissal. I have had some helluva fun and some nice teammates there and the work was frequently challenging. But no regrets, it’s time to move on. I’d like to hereby thank the staff of Solcon Systemtechnik GmbH for the past 3 years of cooperation.

Building another fly rod part 1

You might already have seen the short blog entry for my first fly rod building project. So, on Friday I suddenly felt like I’d have to act at once and place an order for some rod building material. There are several reasons. One reason is that I am all alone at home from the 18th to the 26th of this month. Sarah, Erik and Einar are going to Nuremberg. Being busy kills time. Another reason is pure consuming desire I just wanted to do something besides the usual things. Yes, recently I once again enjoy sitting on the table in the evening doing handicraft work. In short it means less computer related occupation at home – I spend enough time at work in front of my screen.

I’ll blog in detail the steps of building the new rod when all the parts have arrived.

FlashEmbedded Family

On Sunday we have been on a visit to my older brother and his family. Nerdy as I am I had our Sony Handycam with me on the trip and arrived back at home with plenty of new video footage. So I just wanted to make some videos available and digitalized and converted the dv source material from the camcorder with dvgrab and ffmpeg.

So this is some kind of a minimal HowTo, hope this helps someone.

If you are like me, you don’t like the idea to rely on 3rd party websites like There are a few good reasons to keep the video on your site – you have the physical control and you don’t need to accept confusing licence agreements. So here we go!

First I piped the output of dvgrab directly from the firewire to ffmpeg. This deinterlaced, converted and scaled the dv file to something more useful for a web page. I think that the following options are fine, feel free to change them and of course make use of man dvgrab and man ffmpeg.

dvgrab -format dv1 – | ffmpeg -deinterlace -f dv -i – -f flv -vcodec flv -s qvga -aspect 1.333 -qscale 3.5 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 32k -ar 22050 example.flv

Next I uploaded the example.flv file into the root directory of the domain. I use the open-source FlowPlayer Flash applet to actually embed the FLV video in my web page. I had to get a copy of the flowplayer.swf and flashembed.js from their page and copied the files to the root directory as well.

And finally I added the following lines to the html page.

<!– include flashembed –>
<script src=”flashembed.js”></script>

<!– this DIV is where your Flowplayer will be placed. –>
<div id=”videodiv” style=”width:640px;height:503px”></div>

// place Flowplayer to our DIV
flashembed(“videodiv”, “FlowPlayer.swf”, {config: {

// Flowplayer configuration as comma separated list
videoFile: ‘example.flv’,
initialScale: ‘scale’


That’s it. You should now have your video embedded in your page.

Something summer 2008

August is almost gone. It was some kind of wet and sticky. Anyways, my achieved aims this month were:

  • not to eat less but to lose some weight
  • not to get sunburned
  • to upgrade some more machines nagios, snort and stuff
  • to spend less then 30 Euro a month for books at amazon
  • to be a good partner and father
  • to keep straight on and focused on the world domination

Is something else going to happen soon? There are still a few days left. Stay tuned!

Einar Alvar Heinrich

Today I have experienced the most beautiful moment in my life. My partner in life gave birth to Einar Alvar Heinrich. I can’t tell you how touching it was, words can’t explain. It felt so incredible when he finally was there. I cut his umbilical cord and hold him tight until his mother was ready to take him. I am very grateful to the staff of the Marien-Krankenhaus Lübeck, they all did excellent work. I believe life is intended to be beautiful!

Einar Alvar Heinrich

The calm before the storm

I just would like to tell everyone it has not happened yet! Einar Alvar Heinrich is still raking in his mothers womb. I am amazed by his iron will not to enter this world. The doctor told us he weighs at least 4 kilogram and is very healthy. What else matters?