Bon voyage
Posted in Personal on 08/07/2013 07:34 am by emilkrueperSummer, holidays and accidents
Posted in My family, Personal on 07/11/2013 09:09 am by emilkrueperStill wearing that boot. Some more weeks. Looking forward wearing shoes again or walking barefooted.
Einar had two accidents in the meantime. He had a spraining at his left foot. And couple days ago I had to fetch him from Usedom – arm fracture.
Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid as we say in Germany.
The good news is Erik is enjoying his holidays with Oma and Opa and attending a two week sailing course. Lucky him.
Update? No! Upgrade!
Posted in Personal on 05/29/2013 07:05 pm by emilkrueperDie Fäden wurden gezogen, der Stiefel sitzt.
Arzt ist zufrieden. Gut.
Ja fein sieht das aus
Posted in Personal on 05/09/2013 08:47 am by emilkrueperGuck mal, mein linker Fuß
Gute Nacht.
Posted in Do-it-yourself, Personal on 05/07/2013 10:10 pm by emilkrueperMorphin und Midazolan. Na Prost Mahlzeit und feste Träume.
Fast da
Posted in My family, Personal on 05/07/2013 05:00 am by emilkrueperUnd bald schon weg. Wie der Tag aufhört, so fängt er auch an. Ganz toll. Das ist doch ein Scheiss. Es tut mir Leid.