Good news and bad news

I can tell you a torn ligament really means pain. So what happened?
Saturday in the afternoon I have been teaching my youngest how to ride a bike. Before that day he used his Like a Bike Mountain for quite a long time which trained his sense of balance. Cool plaything which is worth every €.
Well prepared it was a joy to watch him learn riding a real bike within three minutes. Just like this. I pushed him and let go. That was amazing. He was very happy and so I was.

When I have deceided now it’s time to finish the lesson for the day we went back to the house. Both boys were rolling down the hill slowly and I told them to use their brake every now and then so they don’t speed up too much.

Well. Einar could not brake hard enough, he went faster and faster. I realized I have to try to catch him before it’s too late and so I started to run as fast as I can.
But unfortunately I could not help him and he fell quite spectacularly. But he had only some minor bruises.
On the other hand, I myself felt a serious pain down my leg and I realized I could not walk anymore. We went to the hospital where the doctor diagnosed “Außenbandruptur des oberen Sprunggelenkes” as it is called in German.

So now I am a couple days at home since I can not move around too much. I am doing some work from home and in the evenings I am playing some games, watching some movies, playing the guitar and reading books from the library. Somehow I need to take a rest which is not so easy when you are at home all day.

Thursday I will be back at the doctor, I hope he has good news and that I can be back at work the next week.

Take good care of yourself.

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